Induced 1st trimester abortion in Denmark 2011 (Updated Aug, 2012)

Responsible: Øjvind Lidegaard

5.1  Medically and surgically induced 1. trimester abortions in Denmark
          1998-2011 (Y1)
and the per cent of medical abortions by time (Y2). N = 212,242


Same in per cent

Comments: The total number of induced 1. trimester abortions decreased until 2006. Thereafter
we have seen a modest increase and from 2008 a slight decrease.
The share of medically induced abortions has increased from 2% in 1998 to 58% in year 2011.

5.2  Induced 1. trimester abortions in DK 1998-2011 according to gestational age.
       N=182,260.   Unknown gestational age: 152

Same in per cent

Comments: At the same time as the proportion of medically induced abortions has increased,
women attend our clinics earlier today than before. Now 60% of all induced abortions
are done before 8 weeks of gestation.
In 1998 less than 25% was done before 8 weeks.

5.3 Annual induced abortion rate (per 1,000) in DK 1998-2011 in different age groups

Comments: Women below 25 years have had a significant increase in induced abortion since year
2000. The increase among very young women (<15 years) has ceased so that we now have levels comparable
with the situation ten years ago. Among women above 30 years, the abortion rates have been

5.4  Medical and surgical induced abortions at Danish Gynaecological departments 2011

Same in per cent

Comments: There are still differences in the proportion of medically induced abortions at
different departments in Denmark. Herlev, Sønderlylland, Kolding, and Herning have the highest percentages of medical induction.
At the other side of the spectrum Hvidovre has 20%. It is hardly differences in the populations belonging to the different hospitals which explain these differences, rather differences in attitudes and opinions between the professional staffs.
Note that private hospitals and private practice now conduct 19% of all induced 1. trimester abortions.

5.5  Evacuation rate (%) after medically induced first trimester abortions in
          Denmark 2000-2010. Gestational age 4+0 - 8+6. N =57,090, n = 2,739
Figures at bottom in each column indicate absolute number of evacuations

Comments: The evacuation rate has been rather stable through the last eleven years.
During this period, the majority of departments changed the medical regimen from
600mg to 200mg mifepristone. This change has not changed the efficacy significantly.

5.6.  Evacuation rate (%) after medically induced abortions with GA less
           than 9 weeks at different Gynaecological departments in 2010.
           N = 8,475, n = 477
   Absolute number of evacuations indicated at bottom.

Comments: 6 of 16 departments fulfill a standard of less than 6% evacuated after medical abortion.

5.7  Re-evacuation rate (%) after surgical 1. trimester abortions in DK 2000-2010.
           N = 112,067,  n = 2,319
Absolute number of re-evacuations indicated at bottom of columns

Comments: The re-evacuation rate after surgical abortion is around 2%, which is less
than half of the risk of evacuation after medically induced first trimester abortion.